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Jazz Dance/ Mix Dance
July 2, 2024 @ 04:00 - July 4, 2024 @ 05:30 CEST

Časovi mix plesa su koncipirani kao kombinacija vežbi i plesa, a plesovi se kreću u rasponu od istorijskih igara i klasičnog baleta, preko tradicionalnih plesova, pa sve do savremenih i modernih plesnih formi – modernog i jazz baleta, hip-hopa, kabarea. Vežbe koje koristimo su standardne i osnovne vežbe iz klasičnog i modernog baleta, kao i jazz tehnike Matt Mattoxa i Bob Borossa, ali i kondicione vežbe, takođe kombinacija različitih struktura i pristupa ka što boljoj formi tela i plesnoj kondiciji.
Dobrodošli su svi koji žele da plešu.
Pedagog: Marina Đurić
Trajanje : 90 minuta
Termini: utorak od 16 do 17:30h, četvrtak od 18 do 19:30h, u toku trajanja letnje intenzivne plesne radionice od 1. do 5.jula 2024. godine.
Mix dance classes are created as a combination of exercises and dance, and the dances range from historical dances and classical ballet, through traditional dances, to contemporary and modern dance forms – modern and jazz ballet, hip-hop, cabaret. The exercises we use are standard and basic exercises from classical and modern ballet, as well as Matt Mattox’s jazz techniques, but also fitness exercises, also a combination of different structures and approaches to the best possible body shape and dance fitness. Anyone who wants to dance is welcome.
Teacher: Marina Djuric
Duration: 90 minutes
Day and time: Tuesday from 4 to 5:30 p.m., and Thursday from 6 to 7:30 p.m., during the summer intensive dance workshop from July 1-5, 2024.